Weekend Pick
Hunger, Erica Simone Turnipseed's second novel, follows her successful 2004 debut, A Love Noire. Hunger explores the rekindled love affair between Noire, an unfulfilled grad student, and her African lover Innocent, an investment banker, set during the chaotic aftermath of 911 New York.
Blackness is about the only trait Turnipseed's characters share. By the time you've finished Hunger, you'll feel like you've trekked across the African diaspora with this culturally diverse group of double degreed 30-somethings.
Have a good weekend.
Blackness is about the only trait Turnipseed's characters share. By the time you've finished Hunger, you'll feel like you've trekked across the African diaspora with this culturally diverse group of double degreed 30-somethings.
Have a good weekend.
Wow..now I konw what I need to read on vacation this week!!!
I found you from Fizzle and have enjoyed following the links on your site. THanks for the book recommendation and thanks for giving me some cool links to expolore on your sidebar.
Thanks for checking me out, bek. I'll do likewise.
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